Gene description for SF3B2 |
Gene name |
splicing factor 3b subunit 2 |
Gene symbol |
SF3B2 |
Other names/aliases |
CFM Cus1 HFM SAP145 SF3B145 SF3b1 SF3b150 |
Species |
Homo sapiens |
Experiment description of studies that identified SF3B2 in Monocytic leukemia cells |
Experiment ID | 1670 |
Identified molecule | Protein
Extracellular vesicle type | Exosomes |
MISEV | Small EVs |
Identification method | Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID |
Organism | Homo sapiens |
Experiment description | Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker |
Authors | Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R. |
Journal name |
Nat Cell Biol
Publication year | 2021 |
Sample | Monocytic leukemia cells |
Sample name | THP-1 |
Isolation/purification methods | Differential centrifugation Filtration Ultracentrifugation |
Flotation density | - |
Molecules identified in the study | Protein mRNA |
Methods used in the study | RT-qPCR Western blotting Mass spectrometry Flow cytometry |
Experiment ID | 1670 |
Identified molecule | Protein
Extracellular vesicle type | Exosomes |
MISEV | Small EVs |
Identification method | Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID |
Organism | Homo sapiens |
Experiment description | Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Core Proteome of Exosomes with Syntenin-1 as the highest abundant protein and a Putative Universal Biomarker |
Authors | Kugeratski FG, Hodge K, Lilla S, McAndrews KM, Zhou X, Hwang RF, Zanivan S, Kalluri R. |
Journal name |
Nat Cell Biol
Publication year | 2021 |
Sample | Monocytic leukemia cells |
Sample name | THP-1 |
Isolation/purification methods | Differential centrifugation Filtration Ultracentrifugation |
Flotation density | - |
Molecules identified in the study | Protein mRNA |
Methods used in the study | RT-qPCR Western blotting Mass spectrometry Flow cytometry |