Gene description for Tsc2
Gene name TSC complex subunit 2
Gene symbol Tsc2
Other names/aliases Rc
Species Rattus norvegicus
 Experiment description of studies that identified Tsc2 in Hepatocytes

Experiment ID35
Identified moleculeprotein
Extracellular vesicle typeExosomes
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 19367702   
OrganismRattus norvegicus
Experiment descriptionCharacterization and Comprehensive Proteome Profiling of Exosomes Secreted by Hepatocytes.
AuthorsConde-Vancells J, Rodriguez-Suarez E, Embade N, Gil D, Matthiesen R, Valle M, Elortza F, Lu SC, Mato JM, Falcon-Perez JM
Journal name JPR
Publication year2008
Sample nameHepatocytes
Isolation/purification methodsDifferential centrifugation
Sucrose density gradient
Flotation density-
Molecules identified in the studyProtein
Methods used in the studyMass spectrometry [QTOF]
Western blotting
