Gene description for ITGB6
Gene name integrin subunit beta 6
Gene symbol ITGB6
Other names/aliases AI1H
Species Homo sapiens
 Experiment description of studies that identified ITGB6 in Primary prostate stromal cells

Experiment ID2225
Identified moleculemRNA
Extracellular vesicle typeExtracellular vesicles
Identification method RT-qPCR
PubMed ID 34596356   
OrganismHomo sapiens
Experiment descriptionStroma-derived extracellular vesicle mRNA signatures inform histological nature of prostate cancer
AuthorsShephard AP, Giles P, Mbengue M, Alraies A, Spary LK, Kynaston H, Gurney MJ, Falcón-Pérez JM, Royo F, Tabi Z, Parthimos D, Errington RJ, Clayton A, Webber JP.
Journal name J Extracell Vesicles
Publication year2021
SamplePrimary prostate stromal cells
Sample nameTumor-associated
Isolation/purification methodsDifferential centrifugation
Flotation density-
Molecules identified in the studymRNA
Methods used in the studyRT-qPCR
