Gene description for Eif3i |
Gene name |
eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit I |
Gene symbol |
Eif3i |
Other names/aliases |
36kDa D4Ertd632e Eif3s2 Trip1 |
Species |
Mus musculus |
Experiment description of studies that identified Eif3i in Adipocytes |
Experiment ID | 1098 |
Identified molecule | protein
Extracellular vesicle type | Exosomes |
Identification method | Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID |
Organism | Mus musculus |
Experiment description | Lipid synthesis is promoted by hypoxic adipocyte-derived exosomes in 3T3-L1 cells. |
Authors | Sano S, Izumi Y, Yamaguchi T, Yamazaki T, Tanaka M, Shiota M, Osada-Oka M, Nakamura Y, Wei M, Wanibuchi H, Iwao H, Yoshiyama M. |
Journal name |
Biochem Biophys Res Commun
Publication year | 2014 |
Sample | adipocytes |
Sample name | 3T3-L1- Hypoxic conditions |
Isolation/purification methods | Differential centrifugation Ultracentrifugation Filtration |
Flotation density | - |
Molecules identified in the study | Protein |
Methods used in the study | Mass spectrometry |
EV140281: EV-METRIC:0%, 22%
Experiment ID | 2366 |
Identified molecule | Protein
Extracellular vesicle type | Extracellular vesicles |
MISEV | Small EVs |
Identification method | Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID |
Organism | Mus musculus |
Experiment description | Adipocyte-derived extracellular vesicles increase insulin secretion through transport of insulinotropic protein cargo |
Authors | Kulaj K, Harger A, Bauer M, Caliskan ÖS, Gupta TK, Chiang DM, Milbank E, Reber J, Karlas A, Kotzbeck P, Sailer DN, Volta F, Lutter D, Prakash S, Merl-Pham J, Ntziachristos V, Hauner H, Pfaffl MW, Tschöp MH, Müller TD, Hauck SM, Engel BD, Gerdes JM, Pfluger PT, Krahmer N, Stemmer K. |
Journal name |
Nat Commun
Publication year | 2023 |
Sample | Adipocytes |
Sample name | C57BL/6 J eWAT-derived adipocytes - Lean |
Isolation/purification methods | Differential centrifugation Ultracentrifugation |
Flotation density | - |
Molecules identified in the study | Protein miRNA |
Methods used in the study | Mass spectrometry RT-PCR |
Experiment ID | 2367 |
Identified molecule | Protein
Extracellular vesicle type | Extracellular vesicles |
MISEV | Small EVs |
Identification method | Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID |
Organism | Mus musculus |
Experiment description | Adipocyte-derived extracellular vesicles increase insulin secretion through transport of insulinotropic protein cargo |
Authors | Kulaj K, Harger A, Bauer M, Caliskan ÖS, Gupta TK, Chiang DM, Milbank E, Reber J, Karlas A, Kotzbeck P, Sailer DN, Volta F, Lutter D, Prakash S, Merl-Pham J, Ntziachristos V, Hauner H, Pfaffl MW, Tschöp MH, Müller TD, Hauck SM, Engel BD, Gerdes JM, Pfluger PT, Krahmer N, Stemmer K. |
Journal name |
Nat Commun
Publication year | 2023 |
Sample | Adipocytes |
Sample name | C57BL/6 J eWAT-derived adipocytes - Lean |
Isolation/purification methods | Centrifugal ultrafiltration Size exclusion chromatography |
Flotation density | - |
Molecules identified in the study | Protein |
Methods used in the study | Mass spectrometry Western blotting |
Experiment ID | 2368 |
Identified molecule | Protein
Extracellular vesicle type | Extracellular vesicles |
MISEV | Small EVs |
Identification method | Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID |
Organism | Mus musculus |
Experiment description | Adipocyte-derived extracellular vesicles increase insulin secretion through transport of insulinotropic protein cargo |
Authors | Kulaj K, Harger A, Bauer M, Caliskan ÖS, Gupta TK, Chiang DM, Milbank E, Reber J, Karlas A, Kotzbeck P, Sailer DN, Volta F, Lutter D, Prakash S, Merl-Pham J, Ntziachristos V, Hauner H, Pfaffl MW, Tschöp MH, Müller TD, Hauck SM, Engel BD, Gerdes JM, Pfluger PT, Krahmer N, Stemmer K. |
Journal name |
Nat Commun
Publication year | 2023 |
Sample | Adipocytes |
Sample name | C57BL/6 J eWAT-derived adipocytes - Diet-induced obesity |
Isolation/purification methods | Differential centrifugation Ultracentrifugation |
Flotation density | - |
Molecules identified in the study | Protein miRNA |
Methods used in the study | Mass spectrometry RT-PCR |
Experiment ID | 2369 |
Identified molecule | Protein
Extracellular vesicle type | Extracellular vesicles |
MISEV | Small EVs |
Identification method | Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID |
Organism | Mus musculus |
Experiment description | Adipocyte-derived extracellular vesicles increase insulin secretion through transport of insulinotropic protein cargo |
Authors | Kulaj K, Harger A, Bauer M, Caliskan ÖS, Gupta TK, Chiang DM, Milbank E, Reber J, Karlas A, Kotzbeck P, Sailer DN, Volta F, Lutter D, Prakash S, Merl-Pham J, Ntziachristos V, Hauner H, Pfaffl MW, Tschöp MH, Müller TD, Hauck SM, Engel BD, Gerdes JM, Pfluger PT, Krahmer N, Stemmer K. |
Journal name |
Nat Commun
Publication year | 2023 |
Sample | Adipocytes |
Sample name | C57BL/6 J eWAT-derived adipocytes - Diet-induced obesity |
Isolation/purification methods | Centrifugal ultrafiltration Size exclusion chromatography |
Flotation density | - |
Molecules identified in the study | Protein |
Methods used in the study | Mass spectrometry Western blotting |