Gene description for VTN
Gene name vitronectin
Gene symbol VTN
Other names/aliases V75
Species Homo sapiens
 Experiment description of studies that identified VTN in Glioblastoma cells

Experiment ID722
Identified moleculeprotein
Extracellular vesicle typeExosomes
Identification method Mass spectrometry
PubMed ID 25802036   
OrganismHomo sapiens
Experiment descriptionGlioblastoma-derived extracellular vesicles modify the phenotype of monocytic cells.
Authorsde Vrij J, Maas SL, Kwappenberg KM, Schnoor R, Kleijn A, Dekker L, Luider TM, de Witte LD, Litjens M, van Strien ME, Hol EM, Kroonen J, Robe PA, Lamfers ML, Schilham MW, Broekman ML.
Journal name Int J Cancer
Publication year2015
SampleGlioblastoma cells
Sample name U87.MG/EGFRvIII
Isolation/purification methodsDifferential centrifugation
Density gradient centrifugation
Flotation density-
Molecules identified in the studyProtein
Methods used in the studyMass spectrometry
EV-TRACK EV150064: EV-METRIC:0%, 0%, 29%
