Experiment ID | 97 |
Identified molecule | protein
Extracellular vesicle type | Exosomes |
Identification method | Mass spectrometry [Orbitrap]
PubMed ID |
Organism | Rattus norvegicus |
Experiment description | The proteo-lipidic composition of exosomes changes during reticulocyte maturation. |
Authors | Carayon K, Chaoui K, Ronzier E, Lazar I, Bertrand-Michel J, Roques V, Balor S, Terce F, Lopez A, Salomé, Joly E. |
Journal name |
Publication year | 2011 |
Sample | Reticulocytes |
Sample name | Reticulocytes - D4 Rep 2 |
Isolation/purification methods | Differential centrifugation Ultracentrifugation Density gradient centrifugation |
Flotation density | 1.16-1.21 g/mL |
Molecules identified in the study | Protein Lipids |
Methods used in the study | Mass spectrometry [QSTAR] Mass spectrometry [Orbitrap] Western blotting |
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